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Tip številke:M(Mobile Telephony)

To je Sierra Leone Tip številke:M(Mobile Telephony) Podatkovna baza področne kode page seznam. Za brskanje po podrobnostih, kliknite na naslov.
Koda Regije:
Koda Regije Naziv regije Mesto Koda državne destinacije Sn from Sn to Naziv kariere
Mobile Telephony 21 000000 999999 Sierratel
Mobile Telephony 25 000000 999999 Sierratel (CDMA)
Mobile Telephony 30 000000 999999 Africell (SL) Ltd
Mobile Telephony 33 000000 999999 Comium (SL) Ltd
Mobile Telephony 34 000000 999999 Comium (SL) Ltd
Mobile Telephony 40 000000 999999 Datatel/Cellcom (GSM)
Mobile Telephony 44 000000 999999 Intergroup
Mobile Telephony 50 000000 999999 Datatel/Cellcom (CDMA)
Mobile Telephony 55 000000 999999 Ambitel
Mobile Telephony 56 000000 999999 Atlas Communication
Mobile Telephony 76 000000 999999 Airtel (SL) Ltd
Mobile Telephony 77 000000 999999 Africell (SL) Ltd
Mobile Telephony 78 000000 999999 Airtel (SL) Ltd
Mobile Telephony 79 000000 999999 Airtel (SL) Ltd
Mobile Telephony 88 000000 999999 Africell (SL) Ltd